Case Study: Validating Plans Through Exercises, St Thomas' Hospital
Exercise Unified Response
Exercise Story Board
The planning team – clear objectives and extensive controls. Briefing from the EPRR team and CEO

As part of a 3 day national exercise – Dartford power station is mocked up as the scene

Casualties are extricated from the wreckage and hospital staff put on standby (day 1)

Breaking news sets the scene, “Major Incident Declared” alerts are sent out, and “casualties” arrive at the Emergency Department (still functioning as usual).

The Emergency Department team follow “Major incident declared” protocols.

Ambulance team handover and triage by the ED team. A full clinical simulation takes place to test all aspects of the critical care pathway.

The Gold and Silver command teams are put through their paces, reporting to NHS England and with additional injects simulating disruption to IT systems and blood stocks, and from media interest.

Exercise Co-Director Justin Cuckow responds to media enquiries in a live session.
The “casualties” make a remarkable recovery and are debriefed to understand their experience.

A clinically led “hot debrief” captures learning to inform the post exercise report. This is issued promptly and captures good practice and improvements.